Postgraduate Life

Aug 18, 2023 9:00 AM
OKKBK Biology Department of ITS
Smartclass, Biology Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Arif Rahman Hakim, Surabaya, East Java 60115

A workshop on an introduction to Introduction to life after graduation and how to prepare college life and being able to thrive in academia or industry. Participants in the workshop would be able to gain a better understanding of how to optimize the college life moment and also prepare the graduate period. I generally talk about:

  • Early Career Planning and Exploration
  • Building a Strong Academic Foundation
  • Developing a Network of Peers and Professionals

I also talked about what I wish i knew earlier as a freshmen college including:

  • Learn how to manage time effectively - use calendar
  • Learn how to study efficiently
  • Study with friends - efficient, effective, enjoyable
  • With rest time not spending to study - Join Clubs and Societies
  • Learn Skills in the Universal Toolbox - Public Speaking, Negotiation, Video Editing
  • Experiment with Side Hustles
  • Take more photos
  • Surround yourself with energisers cause it’s all about energy

In the final part, I presented the prospect of biology student graduate in both academia and industry and also the minimum skillset required for a certain position and leveraging the campuss fascility to hone basic skillsets and being able to strive for balance: excel in your studies, engage in meaningful activities, and cherish moments with friends.


Edo Danilyan
Edo Danilyan
PhD Researcher

Interested in computational biology.