Dry Season Bryophytes In Cangar Hotspring-Batu, East Java, Indonesia


Tropical forests in Indonesia are spread all over the region, one of them in East Java. The component of forest structure in East java can be found from the basic layer in the floor until the highest layer in the canopy. The forest floor can be full of bryophytes, one of the most influential components in the forest ecosystem. This research aims to know what kind of bryophytes are during the dry season in Cangar hotspring-Batu, East Java, which is the most popular tourist hotspot in this forest. This study was conducted in October 2019. The sampling uses the transect method and we analyzed by Importance Value Index and ordination analysis. The microclimate is measured by Luxmeter and Thermometer. We found 7 families including 13 species of bryophytes. From the analysis, we calculate that the highest Importance Value Index is of Vesicularia dubyana and the lowest is of Trichosteleum sp. A special area in this research also found that Philonotis hastata and Riccia fluitans dominate the bottom of river hotspring in Cangar.

Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper
Edo Danilyan
Edo Danilyan
PhD Researcher

Interested in computational biology.