Reflecting on My Journey at Chulalongkorn University: An Unforgettable Student Exchange Experience

A Hub of Cultural Diversity and Academic Excellence

The student exchange experience is a unique and enriching opportunity that allows young people to learn about different cultures, gain independence, and develop new skills. For many students, a student exchange program can be a transformative experience that helps them grow and learn in ways that they never thought possible.

One of the key benefits of a student exchange experience is the opportunity to learn about different cultures. When students travel to another country as part of an exchange program, they have the chance to experience a new culture firsthand, and to learn about the customs, traditions, and values of the people who live there. This can be a valuable opportunity to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of other cultures, and to expand one’s cultural horizons.

Another benefit of a student exchange experience is the opportunity to gain independence and develop new skills. When students travel to another country as part of an exchange program, they are often required to take care of themselves and manage their own affairs. This can be a challenging experience, but it can also be very rewarding, as it gives students the chance to learn how to be independent and self-sufficient. In addition, living in a new country and adapting to a different culture can also help students develop new skills and abilities, such as communication, problem-solving, and adaptability.

My activities during the student exchange program
My activities during the student exchange program
In 2019, I had a chance to register to the exchange program held by Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and I was pretty lucky to be accepted in this program. Without further ado, here is my story about student exchange experience to Chulalongkorn University Thailand in 2020. These post will divided into several part, and this blog is a general view and an introduction part. Enjoy!

As I packed my bags and prepared to leave for my student exchange program, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. I had always dreamed of traveling to a new country and experiencing a different culture, and now, finally, that dream was becoming a reality. As the plane took off (from Juanda Airport Surabaya), I looked out the window and admired the beautiful scenery below. I saw the sparkling blue ocean, the green forests and fields, and the many islands that dotted the horizon. I also felt a sense of freedom and adventure, and I realized that I was about to embark on a new chapter in my life. Anyway, I had few hours in Singapore before going to Thailand, so I decided to explore some part of Singapore.

As we flew over the ocean, I thought about all the things that I was looking forward to in Singapore. I was excited to explore the city, to meet new people, and to learn about a different culture. As I sat in the terminal at Changi Airport, waiting for my flight to board, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. I had always wanted to travel to Singapore, and now, finally, that dream was about to become a reality. As I looked around the terminal, I was struck by the vibrant atmosphere and the many people from different parts of the world who were passing through. I also noticed the many facilities and services that were available at the airport, from shops and restaurants to lounges and entertainment centers and also free Wi-Fi, charging stations, and comfortable seating areas.

One of the things that impressed me the most about Changi Airport was the attention to detail and the commitment to providing a high-quality experience for travelers. Everywhere I looked, I saw staff members who were eager to help and to ensure that passengers had a comfortable and enjoyable experience. I decided to explore the airport and see what it had to offer. I visited some of the coffeeshops and food stall. I also spent some time relaxing in one of the lounges, where I enjoyed a comfortable seat, and access to a range of entertainment options.

In the next day, we flew to Thailand from Singapore. After arriving in Suvarnabhumi Airport, we decided to take BTS train to the centre of Bangkok. As I stepped off the BTS train in Ratchatewi, Bangkok, I was greeted by a warm and welcoming team from my exchange program. They had come to pick me up and take me to my apartment, and I was excited to meet them and to begin my exchange experience. As we made our way through the airport and out into the bustling streets of Bangkok, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe and amazement. Everywhere I looked, there were people rushing to and fro, carrying out their daily tasks and going about their lives. I also noticed the vibrant colors and the many smells and sounds that filled the air. When we arrived at my apartment, I was impressed by the clean, modern, and comfortable space that had been prepared for me and my roommate.

At first, I felt a little overwhelmed by the new environment and the many challenges that came with living in a different country. I struggled to adjust to the language and the culture, and I often felt lost and alone. But as time went on, I began to settle into my new surroundings and to make friends with other exchange students and local residents. One of the most rewarding aspects of my student exchange experience was the opportunity to learn about and immerse myself in a new culture. I loved trying new foods, attending local events and festivals, and exploring the city and its many neighborhoods. I also appreciated the chance to learn more about the history and politics of my host country, and to see how these factors influenced everyday life there.

In addition to the cultural experiences, I also had the chance to learn more about myself and my own values, beliefs, and goals. Living in a new country and being forced to take care of myself and manage my own affairs helped me develop greater independence, confidence, and self-awareness. I also learned how to adapt to new situations and to be more open and flexible in my thinking.

Overall, my student exchange experience was an unforgettable and life-changing adventure. It taught me so much about the world and about myself, and it helped me grow and develop in ways that I never could have imagined. I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated in a student exchange program, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in traveling, learning, and growing. In the next opportunity, I’ll write a complete guide for those of you who want to have student exchange experience.

Bye bye.

Terima kasih (Thank You)

Edo Danilyan
Edo Danilyan
PhD Researcher

Interested in computational biology.