Dashboard Collection and Presentation Slides Samples
Exploratory data analytics using dashboard as a reporting medium and slides I have created for a presentation

I primarily use R Studio IDE for Exploratory Data Analysis, visualization, and statistical analysis. In this collection, I listed some of my dashboard created using flexdashboard package. This package allow me to visualise a dashboard using Rmd format. flexdashboard allow flexibility of many different packagses such as ggplot, ggplotly, plotly, gttable, highcharter and many more.
To use flexdashboard, install the flexdashboard package from CRAN as follows:
You can also use the development version of the flexdashboard package by installing the package from GitHub via the remotes package:
Dashboard Collection
Web view of Tetanus Infection Dashboard Web view of Palmer Penguins Dashboard
Presentation Slides
- Environmental DNA
- Birds of Indonesia
- Metabolic Engineering: Case Study
- Dunia Pasca Kampus
- R Studio for Biostatistics
If you want to see the way I present something, please feel free to check it out.
That’s all I can share for now, next time I will make a complete tutorial on how to make dashboard in R studio and also tips and trick on creating power point presentation. See you next time!
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